Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Helix Knitting

Have I told you how much I love the library for getting some fresh new knitting patterns??!? Well, I do and you should too.  It is a great resource for anyone to find a pattern or two without having to buy the whole book.

On a quest to pump up my items I have for sale, I put 26 knitting books on reserve Sunday night and finally picked them up today. One book I particularly love is 'The Essential Guide to Color Knitting Techniques'. It is changing my world and really expanding my knitting ability.

Excited beyond description, I decided to try helix knitting tonight.  The book described to me how to do self-patterning (seen below); something that I have, until now, relied on a yarn manufacturer to create for me.

While this kind of knitting isn't for the beginner; if you can knit in the round, you can do helix knitting! For those of you who aren't there yet, we'll start at the beginning one of these days!

Here is what I have so far:

It's awesome! But remember, when you are using 4 strands of yarn that have to be twisted together every 20 stitches, you might end up with this....

You've been forewarned!


  1. Oh dear! I wouldnt try to "un-twist" that until the project is done... :)

  2. It was getting too hard to pull the yarn through, it took one really long half hour and then I could do the rest without stopping to untangle again.

  3. Do you know of a pattern for mittens done with helix knitting? TY
